Internal server error in ChatGPT – What can be done?

When the ChatGPT service issues an Internal server error, the so-called internal server error, then in the vast majority of cases this is exactly what happens.

That is, something happened again on the OpenAI servers, therefore, it remains only to wait until the support fixes everything and the servers start working again.

But sometimes, an “internal error” pops up when the connection just fell off, when the VPN or browser crashes, when there are a lot of requests or responses are too long, when the servers are overloaded, etc.

In general, such and other moments also have to be taken into account for the time being. Therefore, now about this in a little more detail. So,..


As we have already said, when it is the server that fails (and it often fails), then users, that is, you and me, have no choice but to wait until the OpenAi support service identifies and fixes the problem.

How to understand that the failure happened on the server side? Yes, as usual, when ChatGPT issues an Internal Server Error , Network Error or even 405 Method not Allowed , then first of all we check the current server status – [LINK] .

And when we see a lot of red or orange instead of green on the ChatGPT server status check page, it means that we just wait for an hour or two until the situation gets better (or it gets better).

However, there is one more nuance. If we use ChatGPT not directly, but through a VPN, and even more so, through a browser extension or any other program, then we switch to another VPN and try to open the website directly in the browser (better, also in another or from another computer /smartphone).


In case of a “network error”, it is recommended that you first double-check the status of your computer / smartphone connection to the Internet. Simply put, we open another tab in the browser and go to any other site or to several sites. If they don’t open either, then the connection has fallen off and needs to be restored.

And if other sites open normally, then we check the status of the OpenAI servers (we left the link above), as well as the VPN connection.

And here, too, the father of important nuances. ChatGPT sometimes also reacts to cheap VPNs and / or frequent VPN switches by resetting the connection with all sorts of errors, incl. “network” and “internal”.

Moreover, Network Errors in ChatGPT also often occur during periods of increased influx of users, and especially if you ask the bot for too long text responses to queries and other “essays”.

So, if everything is OK with the servers and with the connection, then just try asking the bot simpler questions and ask him to answer shorter. To do this, you can specify the maximum number of words in the response in the request.


… means that the smart bot (more precisely, the OpenAI server) is overloaded again. And as practice shows, the more people master ChatGPT, the more often such a mistake happens. And what is characteristic, it happens more and more often in the free version of the chatbot.

The simplest and most obvious solution therefore seems to be (forced) switching to ChatGPT Plus . As the developers assure, the paid version of the “At Capacity” bot is much rarer, “even with a large number of requests.” Plus, ChatGPT Plus users respond much faster and they also automatically get priority access to the new features of the service.

Well, if the paid version is not relevant yet, then when ChatGPT has another overload, we try to re-enter the chat a couple of times (log out of the account and then log in again) and reconnect to the service in this way. Or, if there are more than one account, then we try to temporarily re-login to another – it also sometimes helps. Well, we also try to ask questions not quickly and briefly.

Other ChatGPT errors

These also happen, and not infrequently and in quantity. Most, again, occur due to a failure on the servers or overload (see above about this), while others are successfully “cured” by quite standard measures.

Therefore, when the bot gives another error, then:

  • just update the site page and/or create a new chat;
  • clean the browser cache;
  • we re-enter the site through any other browser (better, in incognito mode and without an extension);
  • switch to another VPN.

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